By Alyssa Braithwaite, SBS, 9 September 2016
Meet the Shout at Cancer choir – a choir with a difference.
Every member lost their voice to throat cancer, and had to fight to be heard again.
“Never in a million years did I think I’d be in a choir doing what I’m doing today. It is just amazing,” says Alan, who had to have his voice box removed after surviving throat cancer.
“When I started in the choir, all I kept saying to myself is, ‘I’m getting my life back together’.
“We thought we’d lost our voice. Together we shout louder.”
Shout at Cancer is a charity which specialises in voice rehabilitation and helping people regain their confidence after throat cancer and laryngectomy. They have helped these cancer survivors learn to sing again.
According to Shout at Cancer, 40 per cent of people withdraw socially after having a laryngectomy – the surgical removal of your voice box.
Not only does being a part of the choir provide the members with social support and camaraderie, singing also helps them recover speech, learn to breathe properly, and improve their speaking voice.
They have recorded a song called “Louder!” to support Paralympic athletes and all those who are overcoming limitations and expectations.
“I really love the spirit of the Paralympics,” said Alan. “The Paralympics and sports in general really lets you push your boundaries and you can overcome your expectations.”
You can listen to Louder! here.
Originally published: